• Oleh-oleh Terbaik dari Jogja yang Layak Anda Coba

    Best Gift from Jogja You Deserve to Try

    Living a busy routine every day, of course, has the potential to make you feel stressed. In effect, you are not in the spirit of work and have too much thought so that your work ethic can be disturbed. Stress should not be taken lightly, but a solution must be found to overcome it.

    One way to cope with stress is to go on vacation. Indonesia has a lot of cities that can be a tourist destination for those who want to release stress by going on vacation. One of the highly recommended cities for your holiday destination is Jogjakarta.

    Jogja city has indeed known to all over the world, because Jogja is said to have a complete package for tourism, ranging from nature tourism, cultural tourism to culinary tourism, everything is in Jogja. The friendliness of Jogja residents is also a sweet seasoning in your holiday. Visiting a city would be less if you did not taste typical souvenirs from the city, including Jogja. 

    Jogja other than famous for its cultural heritage is thick with Javanese buadaya and palace culture, also has a priceless culinary heritage.

    This culinary is passed down from generation to generation today. For those of you who are culinary enthusiasts, Jogja is the right destination for you, because you can taste all kinds of culinary special gift by Jogja ready to pamper your tongue. Well, here are 5 typical souvenirs of Jogja that you should try while on vacation to this city. 

    Bakpia Patok 

    Hearing his name alone, surely you are not so foreign. Bakpia pegok since the first is known as a typical food city of Jogja. Bakpia pegok has a flat round shape, contains green beans that have been mashed and wrapped with bakpia skin.

    Currently, bakpia not only contains green beans, but has been varied with mixed with cheese, durian, chocolate, and others. Even the skin of bakpia is not only white, but also there is purple because it is made of purple sweet potato. It's sweet and legit in the mouth is perfect you make as a souvenir for family at home.

    The price is not expensive, ranging from Rp 20000,00 to Rp 25000,00 just one box. You can buy it easily, because almost all over the city of Jogja must sell bakpia peg. You can buy it in Malioboro or in the center of other souvenirs. Bakpia the most famous in Jogja is Bakpia Pathuk, the bakpia that comes from the Pathuk Jogja. 


    Yangko is a typical souvenir of Jogja next that you must try. Yangko is made from glutinous flour which is square and flour with flour. Color yangko vary, usually green, red, and yellow. The colors that symbolize the sense of belonging.

    Yangko with red has a taste of strawberries, yangko green has a taste of melon, while yangko yellow has a taste of durian. Pain yangko sweet and legit in the mouth. Although made from glutinous rice flour, yangko not sticky when bitten because it has been floured with a sprinkling of flour.

    Yangko sold in small boxes. In one box there are several flavors at once so you can taste all the flavors. Yangko is usually sold together with bakpia pathuk. Same thing with bakpia, which you can buy at a typical gift shop Jogja with a very affordable price.

    Yangko is a typical Jogja food originating from one of the areas in Jogja namely Kotagede. Therefore, in Kotagede there are so many home industries that make this one. If you are interested to see the making process yangko, you can visit the area Kotagede as well as buy yangko directly from the manufacturer. 


    The name of this food may not be much different from yangko. Wingko does have the same basic ingredients of making yangko, which is made of glutinous rice flour. The difference, wingko more lengker when eaten, has a savory taste because inside there is grated coconut. Wingko flat round shape made by burning with stove. Since it is burned with a stove, the taste of wingko is so distinctive.

    Wingko packed in cardboard or besek (box made of woven bamboo), and each wingko wrapped with white paper. Like other souvenirs of other Jogja, wingko can easily be found at the gift shop, even in street vendors angkringan.  


    Surely the name gudeg is not foreign to you is not it? Yes, this particular Jogja food is already very famous. Gudeg consists of young jackfruit, chicken eggs, chicken meat, tempeh and tofu mixed with a thick and sweet coconut milk.

    Gudeg you can make a souvenir also loh, because gudeg now can be packed properly so that can be taken out of town. At home, you just heat it up. Because it is made from thick coconut milk and cooked for hours, gudeg not easily stale even if you take out of town. 


    Souvenirs typical of this one is very crowded because the colorful eye striking. Geplak is made from shredded coconut and then mixed with sugar. Geplak is round that is not symmetrical and a bit hard when bitten. Geplak has a striking color, usually yellow, brown, green and white. Geplak sold in besek for durable and can you bring as a souvenir for family. 

    Looking for souvenirs typical Jogja not difficult. You also do not need to prepare a big budget because souvenirs typical Jogja has a friendly price, such as Jogja citizens who are always friendly to the tourists. 

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